Mind, Body and Spirit
Acupuncture restores and maintains a healthy body and mind by inserting very fine needles into
specific points of the body which stimulates the body's self-healing power. Commonly treated conditions include: arthritis
and rheumatic disorders/back pain and sciatica/ headaches and migraine/stress, anxiety and depression/ IBS and digestion problems/menstrual
disorders and menopause/stroke rehabilitation etc
Aromatherapy is the ancient art of healing and soothing through the use of Essential Oils which
are extracted from the petals,fruits, twigs, leaves and seeds of plants. Each Essential Oil is said to possess
particular qualities and aromatherapy demonstrates how these individual properties can be used to treat specific
Chinese Herbal Remedies
Chinese herbal medicine offers a different vision of health and disease from Western medicine,
viewing illness within the context of an indiidual's total physical and psychological being, It aims to treat the whole
person rather than separate parts. Chinese medicinal herbs come from nature and are used in different forms - pills, tablets,
liquid extracts etc. The herbs are chosen by the practioner according to their diagnosis of your problems.
Colonic Hydrotherapy
Also known as colonic irrigaton, this therapy aims to help relieve the digestive problems that
can be the symptoms of our stressful modern lifestyles and poor diet. Colonic hydrotherapists often also offer advice on nutrition
and lifestyle to imprve your digestive health in the future.
Crystal Therapy
Crystal healng is the use of crystals to balance your energy points that, it is believed, can
have positive effects on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Flower Essences
Whilst most medicine treats the physial complaint with a physical treatment Bach Flower Remedies
treat the unseen or psychological cause with an unseen energy. As with most alternative remedies flower essenes treat the
patient as a whole and not the disease.
Hypnotherapy aims to treat emotional and psychological problems by putting an individual into
a deep state of relaxation and then dealing with the issue in question.
Indian Head Massage
This therapy involves massaging the head and shoulders and works on both a physical and psychological
level to de-stress the whole body and create a deep sense relaxation.